Think different. Make difference



Commision agents

The difficult thing when wanting to export and build a distribution network of products to countries around the world is to find an effective distribution partner in that country, especially when there is a language barrier, law and culture. This will be easier when you cooperate with us. With many years of experience and connections in the Vietnamese pharmaceutical market, we will help you connect with local pharmaceutical distributors, reliable drugstore chains and suitable for each product.


One of the necessary and important steps to distribute a pharmaceutical product is the registration. With an enormous experienced regulatory affairs department for domestic and foreign products, we provide a comprehensive and fast product registration service and ensure the product is eligible for distribution in the Vietnamese market.


Research and consult market

To participate in a market, it is extremely important to understand the needs and future trends in that market. Understanding that problem, we provide and advise partners with a comprehensive view of the market on the above issues to make the correct decision when participating in the pharmaceutical market in Vietnam. Pharmacovigilance Solution for our partners to practice pharmacovigilance correctly and in compliance with regulations in Vietnam.


Solution for our partners to practice pharmacovigilance correctly and in compliance with regulations in Vietnam.
